Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pengaruh Jejaring Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja

Menjadi Remaja yang Baik

Halo! ketemu lagi sama saya, sekarang di sekolah saya lagi ujian praktek nih, doain ya supaya nilai nya bagus-bagus hehe. langsung ke topik kita yaitu Pengaruh Jejaring Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja. Yuk kita simak penjelasan-penjelasan yang berguna untuk remaja sekarang ini.

Jejaring Sosial mempunyai definisi yaitu percakapan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakanjaringan internet dan hal ini bisa dikatakan komunikasi jarak jauh. 
Sedangkan, remaja adalah seorang anak yang sedang menjalani pertumbuhan menuju kedewasaan atau bisa dibilang masa puber dan kebanyakan remaja sulit menemukan jati diri mereka masing-masing ditambah perilaku mereka yang sangat labil membuat banyak remaja yang jatuh dalam kesalahan.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lyric Middle - DJ Snake ft Bipolar

Middle - DJ Snake ft Bipolar

Staring at two different views on your window ledge

Coffee has gone cold, it's like time froze
There you go wishing, floating, down our wishing well
It's like I'm always causing problems, causing hell
I didn't mean to put you through this, I can tell
We're gonna sweep this under the carpet

I hope that I can turn back the time
To make it all alright, all alright for us
I'll promise to build a new world for us two
With you in the middle

With you in the middle
With you in the middle

Lying down beside you, was going through your head
The silence in the air felt like my soul froze
I might just hope for thinking, feelings, I can't tell
This gut feeling I'm tryna gain, I feel it well
I hope we find our missing pieces, I'm just chill
We're gonna sweep it under the carpet

I hope that I can turn back the time
To make it all alright, all alright for us
I'll promise to keep building a new world for us two
With you in the middle

With you in the middle
With you in the middle
With you