Friday, February 5, 2016

Soal SMP Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP

1. What is the purpose of the text above?
     a. To describe the birthday party.
     b. To retell the story about birthday party.
     c. To invite people to come to the birthday party.
     d. To present information about a show in birthday party.

2. Which one of the following is NOT the criterion of the dress code of the party?
     a. Uniform black, blue, or white.
     b. Black,blue or white formal attire.
     c. Casual.
     d. Gorgeous.

3. TRANSLATE, What is the meaning of :
     a. Surprising :
     b. Regretfully :
     c. Suddenly :
     d. Actually :
     e. Presently :

4. Doni, Budi, and Anna are ................ to school now
     a. Go
     b. Going
     c. Went
     d. Goes

5. Wulan, and Nanda ............... the door one hour ago
     a. Knock
     b. Knocking
     c. Knocked
     d. Knocks

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